Session sizes will be limited so please submit your applications ASAP. We will be accepting cash and checks. Confirmation of application will be emailed upon receipt of the application.
​​Refund Policy:
If a camper is registered, but can no longer attend camp, they will be refunded $100 per session that they are registered. We incur costs, hire staff, order shirts, and have other expenses that require us to keep a $205 fee for cancellations. Refund requests during camp will be dealt with on an individual basis. 
Camp Cancellation Policy:
Each camp must have at least 20 campers enrolled in order to take place. A full refund will be given to registrants if this number is not obtained. This full refund will be granted before June 1st.
Mail check to:
WJ Basketball Camp
9710 Hill Street
Kensington, MD 20895